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About The Author

My name is Vanshika Devuni. I am a twelve-year-old from Hyderabad who loves to read and write. I’ve been blogging for 4 years so far, and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it! My blogs mainly focus on small struggles I face in school, my thoughts on anything and everything, and note-worthy experiences I’ve had.

I like :

·      Being around dogs
·      Eating Galaxy chocolate bars
·      Reading cliché Young Adult novels
·      Annoying everyone by leaving my bangs the way they are rather than pushing it to the side
·      Travelling and learning about different cultures
·      Making sarcastic comments under my breath
·      Making people happy J

I dislike:
·      The colour brown
·      Grammar errors
·      Intolerant people
·      Chocolate bars with mint or coconut in them
·      Waking up at 6am to go to school
·      Slow Wi-Fi
·      Letting people down

I try to post every Monday, but I fail very often because of writers’ block, low inspiration, the usual.

I don’t have nearly enough followers to make an FAQ section, but if I did, I think these are the questions I could get (Yes, I am making an FAQ section).

1.  How old are you?
A: I am thirteen. I’m in 8th grade as of now.

2.  Where are you from?
A: I live in Hyderabad, India. However, my great-grandparents were from a small town in Karnataka, so I speak Kannada at home.

3.  What exactly do you do on the internet?
A:  I write on this blog every Monday(ish), and I have a small, unsuccessful YouTube channel I run with my cousin. I also occasionally write movie reviews for

Thank you for reading this blog! See you next time,

Vanshika   d(^_^)b
